Archives / 58 post/s found

How to Write Your Email Campaign From Scratch

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One of the most important things in building your membership business is having a consistent, reliable email campaign that first of all builds relationship and trust. You see, folks buy based on trust and relationship, not based on fancy words on a sales page. I’ve created a training that will show you exactly how to create your email campaign from scratch that will build relationship first, then you can add sales messages to that core campaign: How to Write an Email Campaign From Scratch To your email campaign writing! Sean

Get Massive Traffic From Youtube

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Youtube traffic doesn’t have to be hard, it doesn’t have to be complex, and it doesn’t have to use any kind of crazy seo or trickery. There are just a few key things to remember: 1) (Most important) – Create content the humans watching it really like, so they will want to watch more of your videos 2) Include a link to get them to your opt in offer 3) Announce each new video to your list by linking to the video on a web page (like I do below for example) When you do those 3 things, you optimize […]

The Massive Traffic Model

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In this lesson, I want to impart a major concept to you. A major concept that has been a driving concept in my business from nearly the beginning. The concept that has driven nearly all the profitable traffic I’ve driven in the last 9 years. It’s a long lesson. Boring. Lots of background. But please take the time to read it. You see, embedded in it – is a concept. A concept that if you grasp, truly internalize, something will jump inside of you that says, ok, I can do this. I can can get massive traffic this way. I […]

Your Unique Traffic Source

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At this point, your basic membership is in place (or should be). And remember, you don’t need much in place when you get your first member. 1-3 lessons. Once the first member enrolls, begin to add 1-2 lessons per week. Lessons can be written, like these. Or audio, as some of these lessons incorporate. Or video. Or pictures. However you want to “get your point across” (aka – your lesson material) As you add lessons, they build up for future members. But your first members get them as you create them. So you have a membership with 1-3 lessons. You […]

Recording of live q and a – advanced sales funnel and other topics

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Here is the recording of the last q and a call – amazing call, great questions, highly recommended listing! Recording of Deep Q and A Take notes, make a list of the top takeaways for you – and begin to implement! Sean Mize  

Youtube Introduction

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I’m a big believer in youtube for traffic. I’ve personally seen profits from using youtube, and I only use it a tiny little bit. And I’ve seen clients get amazing levels of views and traffic from youtube, and I know others are doing it as well. For the youtube lesson, Lyle H. has contributed a training: Youtube Quick Start and I believe you should, after reading that, listen to this question I answered for a client which will reveal a lot about what you should focus on to build your youtube channel so it gets massive traffic: My youtube comments […]

Facebook Traffic

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Before we start, remember, this is not a lesson about “you have to use facebook” this is a lesson that shows you how to get started in facebook if you have decided based on your research into your market, that facebook is a good place to learn to get traffic. Now, for this lesson, power user Mike Martel has given an insider lesson on how he generates traffic from Facebook. And I’m hoping another power user (Bevan) will contribute his expertise as well! Here is Mike’s version: Facebook Traffic Primer To your success, Sean

Introduction to The Traffic Lessons

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As you know, I primarily used article traffic when I got started. And I plan on sharing how you can do that to send new targeted visitors to your site. And we talked in the last lesson about the importance of finding out where your target market hangs out online and really digging into where they are, and “mining” that source for ways to meet the people there. And over the course of the next few lessons, I plan to share with you a few ways you can do just that.  We’ll be showing you how to use facebook, youtube, […]

How to Find The Right Visitors For YOUR Membership

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Today officially begins the traffic portion of building your membership business. You have your membership in place (or close) and you have a squeeze page so you can get subscribers from your traffic. There are 2 things left to get your business profitable: 2) writing a daily email and 1) getting visitors who need or want what you teach, to come to your site, become first, subscribers, and second, a percentage of them join your membership and pay month after month. We’ll leave the daily email for another week or 2 – of course you can send one from time […]

How to Create a Squeeze Page

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This is probably the most confusing lesson. There are probably 10,000 different ways to create a squeeze page. You can use a service, you can use a plugin, you can use whatever software you use, if you use html, you can use html, if you use a wp theme that let’s you format a little, you can use that. And there’s no right way. There are some guidelines . . . like headline, bullet points, call to action. Everything else is taste and function! So instead of trying to write a bunch of different technical manuals for 10 different ways […]